Monday, October 23, 2006

Street Kids with Addictions Seminar

I felt so privileged to be asked to go to Zambia, Africa, and do vision casting for church leaders and others regarding the church's response to street children with addictions.

It was obvious to all that this is a challenging ministry with few easy answers. There was, however, such an awesome presence of the Lord in our meetings together and at the end of the sessions, I felt led to call for commitments. Almost all of the attendees raised their hands to indicate that they were ready to do something to change the situation for these little ones who live on the streets and use drugs to ease the pain and hunger.

I sure will appreciate your prayers for these amazing pastors and lay church members as they carry this charge to touch the lives of these hurting kids.

Compassion Forum

"It's the best seminar I've ever attended," reported one of the participants.

This August, the first-ever training for missionaries who work in compassion ministries was held. I had the privilege of chairing the planning committee. I had always hoped that we could offer training in basic principles of offernig compassionate care to the people we serve around the world, and this year it became a reality.

Included in the seminar were subjects that dealt with child care, HIV/AIDS, economic development and many other subjects. As topics were presented, missionaries would break into regional groups and discuss how these subjects would best work in their part of the world. We hope to make it an annual event.

It is amazing to how Assemblies of God World Missions is making a difference in "whole person" needs of individuals around the world.